Build a company blog or buy?

I'm using a custom domain on Medium as my company blog, but I really want to start building my SEO so I'd like to take that in house.

What solutions do you guys use for in-house company blogs?

  1. 4

    https://ghost.org/ - works for us. it's free, pretty cool, and here a lot of options for SEO and customization.

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      I second this recommendation for Ghost.

      1. 1

        awesome. thanks for the recommendations!

  2. 3

    Self-Hosted WordPress. It is not as cool as using a new shiny tool but when it comes to blogging and SEO, t is difficult to beat WordPress in my opinion. Get a $5/Month VPS, setup WordPress on it, don't use bloated or badly managed plugins and you should be good for the most part. If managing a VPS scares you, you could look into managed WP Hosting.

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    There are things that can be used as blogging solutions without servers (Jekyll & Hyde, Gatsby...). You can simply use these frameworks and they turn markdown into HTML so you can basically just customize how it looks and BOOM, you have a serverless blog. Do a little S3 sync action and your blog is online for a low price.

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    Do you have access to any developers? A Gatsby [https://www.gatsbyjs.org/] website powered by Contentful or any of the other CMS it supports can be great. It requires some dev work to set up but you can get a super performant and fast blog that non-developers can add to if set up correctly.

  5. 2

    If I redid my own behind the scenes blog now, I'd look into some of those headless blogging systems. They provide an interface for writing content, but they don't provide a way to show it.

    Actually rendering the content on a website is easy, if you can just pull the Markdown from somewhere. So I just created my own blog with Python and that was easy too, but what wasn't easy was making it nice and secure enough that I'd feel comfortable letting part-time content writers use it directly.

    For that using a headless CMS to give a nice writing interface might be a good option. It's also tricky to have a good interface for uploading images, not sure how those headless ones handle that.

    But I def. wouldn't just use Medium. Been burned before, had some successful blog posts on Posterous and now they're just gone without even an option to redirect the traffic anywhere.

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      I'm curious about this, you mean the medium publication left and you lost the blogs? I'm starting to write on Medium right now and thought applying to publications was a decent way to get new readers.

      1. 1

        Posterous was another popular blogging platform similar to Medium and well-known on Hacker News at the time, but they were unable to find a revenue model and shut down, taking all content with it.

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