Ask IH: How do you guys promote your content online?

I can create content easily(that's what my product is about). But knowing where to promote it is a bit hard for me currently.

Do you have a content distribution checklist?
#ask-ih #content-marketing

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    This may sound crazy, but for my blog, I don't do anything. I've tweeted it out in the past, and I still email a list of people when new posts go live, but overall I've opted to focus on the content and not the promotion of it.

    So I guess fundamentally, I'm relying on search / organic traffic, but also on my existing audience to handle the promotion side of things.

    Why, you ask? Because I got sick of being called out on Hacker News for "self promotion"... found it easier / better to just worry about the content and nothing more.

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      Wow! If this works for you, that could be so great if it could also work for me! How many blog post do you write in a month?

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        At least once a week for the last 325 weeks (~6.25 years) and sporadically the ~4 years prior to that.

        I also write for another blog with full attribution, but honestly don't see a ton of uptick from that traffic source.

        Really all about finding the right content / posts for your audience. 80/20 type deal there, where the majority of my traffic comes from a few specific posts / series of posts.

        For the sake of transparency around my "method" or lack there of, my blog gets around ~50k unique visitors a month.

        Come to think of it, I think I still am Tweeting my posts (automatically via Mailchimp, which I use to syndicate my RSS feed out)

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    Depends of your content ^^

    Facebook groups, SEO, twitter, instagram, indiehackers, medium, reddit, dedicated forums.

    What's your content about ?

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      It's about SEO Content Writing for Small Businesses. I try to find a relevant place, like a subreddit but it looks like every chan is against content promotion.

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        Eventually post the content of your article directly in a subreddit. And then source it with your blog link ^^ This can be done on medium too.

        Most important is to get your user emails so you can send them notifications on new articles. This will generate retention (old users will stay users so your users pool is increased).

        Example of how to create it : https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/4wbdcz/seo_is_not_hard_a_stepbystep_seo_tutorial_for/ :)

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          Thank you very much for the link :-), I already use medium, but some of my articles are like 2500+ long, I don't know if it's publishable on Reddit but thanks.

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            Ever thought to break them up? If you have a 2.5k long article, it could be a series of 4 articles.

            I started to write long form and moved to shorter form for very similar reasons (posting content directly in forums).

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