Is it possible for anyone to earn money by affiliate marketing?

I am always seeing that influencers with many followers share posts about products of e-commerce websites, and they are getting money from this. I know e-commerce websites are using some affiliate networks to track those links that how much revenue each post brought. I wonder that is it possible that anyone regardless of being influencer or not, can earn money by sharing product links on social media like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? I saw some affiliate networks like clickbank.com, but, I haven't use it. If anyone had experience on such networks, please feel free to share.


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    Hi Secebeci,

    i decided to sign up here because i saw your question. Im lurking around here for 6 months without registering. So its a good reason to register now :)

    I can guarantee you that its possible to earn 5 to 6 figures per month with affiliate marketing when you do it the right way. But it was a hard way to go for me.

    Dont believe anyone who tells you its easy to earn $1k/day on youtube. These so called "gurus" just want to sell you their "strategy".

    Here are my earnings from 1 affiliate product alone.

    I've tried to succeed in affiliate marketing several times with doing all the marketing on my own and i failed hard and didnt earn any money at all.

    My 2 main problems:

    • Im not a native speaker
    • I dont wanted to invest in PPC or anything like that

    My strengths:

    • I love coding useful things in small to mid niches (Im not a good dev! But you dont need to be perfect or very good in coding to earn money. You just need to give some value to your audience)

    My strategy to earn money through affiliate marketing if you are a programmer:

    1. Write a small tool which solves a little problem (nothing world-changing, really) for people who are influencers in a specific niche (People on Instagram or YouTube).

    2. Introduce your tool to them and let it grow automatically. (Word of mouth)

    3. Setup an email Autoresponder.

    4. Start collecting emails from the influencers audience.

    5. Give value in your first welcome email WITHOUT any promotion immediately.

    6. Promote your affiliate links in your second or third email.

    Although im earning $40k to $50k i didnt quit my job now. Im still working as an part time employee and everyone is telling me im crazy.

    But you know what? All my earnings are from one affiliate product alone and the earnings are not recurring. Thats the reason im here. I want to start my own SaaS with monthly recurring payments. As you can see my affiliate earnings are jumping a lot. I could sleep better if i had a scalable business which is under my control. Right now its a blackbox for me. I dont know if the network is scamming me or paying the next month.

    I hope i could give you some ideas!

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      Hi @itsecguy I am very glad to see your detailed reply. I m thinking to create new affiliate marketing platform and your ideas are very valuable :) How can it be possible to solve earning fluctuation month by month? Maybe, recommending products to affiliater depending on his/her current month’s earning. I would like to discuss problems of affiliate networks that need to be solved.

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      Hi @itsecguy I would love to get in touch as well with you. Really curious about your story.
      My email and twitter profile in my bio if you feel like chatting!

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      Glad you signed up! It sounds like you're exactly the kind of person we want contributing to IH.

      If you're open to sharing, I'd love to hear more about the types of tools that have been successful for you.

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    Yes. By having or building community and providing them with value. Days of easy affiliate dollars are gone.

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    It might be worth listening to the IH podcast with Dominic Wells

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    I think it’s possible if you have a community you can market to, if you are an influencer yeah. A lot of them do it and get good money from it.

    It’s sorta hard to say how much it all depends on your audience, some things are more suitable for some audience.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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